Wednesday, May 21, 2008

i hope you are happy...

so i am in the motherland! i am in somervile massachusetts, waking from a second night of sleeping on a king size bed that can fit at least four more comfortably ( i can sleep in any direction roll over and still be in the middle of the mattress) last night i went out for beers and basketball and baseball with some old friends from high school and was told that it sounded more like i had spent the year in "shicaaaahgo" not south carolina from the "accent" i was throwing "aaaaahrrround". i was told i sounded MIDWESTERN.
talk about codependency...
apparently this is what goes on when nervously drinking beers and negotiating (omg people. omg so awkward) social interaction.
good job guys on the secret infiltration, i guess i have to work twice as hard to get back that previous nervous accent found in the gahbage, pahking lahot, and ofcourse my rum.

also the commuter rail passes close by this house so i still hear trains not quite as frequently as in the spiz, and not late at night but enough to cause me to take note and smile to myself...

today! i may play bocci in the park, visit my hs history teacher who opened a vintage shoppe in cambridge.
tonight! i want to go see larkin grimm play some venue up the street! there is also a free show at urban outfitters.
tomorrow! i will try to knit with strangers at some coffee place also up the street, eek!
this weekend! sheep and woolwork festival in western mass!
all summer! praying for ted kennedy...

but mainly i will be wishing you were here with me spewing funny confusing accents all around.

brine and arzi! more pix messages of miami pleaz! that one of bubby made my life. she is so crafty!!!! sushi? tastey? ocean? pretty? show me!

1 comment:

derya hanife altan said...

ps: you know even tho i may complain, i secretly love it. hilarious!