Tuesday, July 29, 2008

totally worth it.

Months of patience finally pays off. I've been stalking this woman's office for weeks trying to get a picture of this creep-fest and today was the day. Quite a fan, this woman. The first time I saw (beheld?) it I actually had legitimate business in there and I could barely speak about the receipt or whatever that I had brought her. I thought of you guys immediately. There are pictures of Mel in his convertible, Mel holding kitties, Mel flexing his hair. Most of the Jesus paraphernalia is on the other wall but the crucifix there pretty well sums it up.


derya hanife altan said...

totally incredible totally distracting! i wonder how she gets work done with dream boat watching over her so intensely all the time...
(and am i talking about mel or am i talking about jesus or maybe i am talking about kitties- you decide)

Cate Ryba said...

what does mel have in common with kitties, besides having kitten hair in lethal weapon? and who is this lady. i'm confused, but intrigued. did you know mel built his own church?